@@ -0,0 +1,849 @@
+* Razor AHRS Firmware v1.4.2.2
+* 9 Degree of Measurement Attitude and Heading Reference System
+* for Sparkfun "9DOF Razor IMU" (SEN-10125 and SEN-10736)
+* and "9DOF Sensor Stick" (SEN-10183, 10321 and SEN-10724)
+* Released under GNU GPL (General Public License) v3.0
+* Copyright (C) 2013 Peter Bartz [http://ptrbrtz.net]
+* Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Quality & Usability Lab, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories, TU Berlin
+* Infos, updates, bug reports, contributions and feedback:
+* https://github.com/ptrbrtz/razor-9dof-ahrs
+* History:
+* * Original code (http://code.google.com/p/sf9domahrs/) by Doug Weibel and Jose Julio,
+* based on ArduIMU v1.5 by Jordi Munoz and William Premerlani, Jose Julio and Doug Weibel. Thank you!
+* * Updated code (http://groups.google.com/group/sf_9dof_ahrs_update) by David Malik (david.zsolt.malik@gmail.com)
+* for new Sparkfun 9DOF Razor hardware (SEN-10125).
+* * Updated and extended by Peter Bartz (peter-bartz@gmx.de):
+* * v1.3.0
+* * Cleaned up, streamlined and restructured most of the code to make it more comprehensible.
+* * Added sensor calibration (improves precision and responsiveness a lot!).
+* * Added binary yaw/pitch/roll output.
+* * Added basic serial command interface to set output modes/calibrate sensors/synch stream/etc.
+* * Added support to synch automatically when using Rovering Networks Bluetooth modules (and compatible).
+* * Wrote new easier to use test program (using Processing).
+* * Added support for new version of "9DOF Razor IMU": SEN-10736.
+* --> The output of this code is not compatible with the older versions!
+* --> A Processing sketch to test the tracker is available.
+* * v1.3.1
+* * Initializing rotation matrix based on start-up sensor readings -> orientation OK right away.
+* * Adjusted gyro low-pass filter and output rate settings.
+* * v1.3.2
+* * Adapted code to work with new Arduino 1.0 (and older versions still).
+* * v1.3.3
+* * Improved synching.
+* * v1.4.0
+* * Added support for SparkFun "9DOF Sensor Stick" (versions SEN-10183, SEN-10321 and SEN-10724).
+* * v1.4.1
+* * Added output modes to read raw and/or calibrated sensor data in text or binary format.
+* * Added static magnetometer soft iron distortion compensation
+* * v1.4.2
+* * (No core firmware changes)
+* * v1.4.2.1
+* * New output mode to support ROS Imu use emits YPR + accel + rot. vel.
+* * v1.4.2.2
+* * New input mode to set calibration parameters
+* TODOs:
+* * Allow optional use of EEPROM for storing and reading calibration values.
+* * Use self-test and temperature-compensation features of the sensors.
+ "9DOF Razor IMU" hardware versions: SEN-10125 and SEN-10736
+ ATMega328@3.3V, 8MHz
+ ADXL345 : Accelerometer
+ HMC5843 : Magnetometer on SEN-10125
+ HMC5883L : Magnetometer on SEN-10736
+ ITG-3200 : Gyro
+ Arduino IDE : Select board "Arduino Pro or Pro Mini (3.3v, 8Mhz) w/ATmega328"
+ "9DOF Sensor Stick" hardware versions: SEN-10183, SEN-10321 and SEN-10724
+ ADXL345 : Accelerometer
+ HMC5843 : Magnetometer on SEN-10183 and SEN-10321
+ HMC5883L : Magnetometer on SEN-10724
+ ITG-3200 : Gyro
+ Axis definition (differs from definition printed on the board!):
+ X axis pointing forward (towards the short edge with the connector holes)
+ Y axis pointing to the right
+ and Z axis pointing down.
+ Positive yaw : clockwise
+ Positive roll : right wing down
+ Positive pitch : nose up
+ Transformation order: first yaw then pitch then roll.
+ Serial commands that the firmware understands:
+ "#c<params>" - SET _c_alibration parameters. The available options are:
+ [a|m|g|c|t] _a_ccelerometer, _m_agnetometer, _g_yro, magnetometerellipsoid_c_enter, magnetometerellipsoid_t_ransform
+ [x|y|z] x,y or z
+ [m|M|X|Y|Z] _m_in or _M_ax (accel or magnetometer), X, Y, or Z of transform (magnetometerellipsoid_t_ransform)
+ "#p" - PRINT current calibration values
+ "#o<params>" - Set OUTPUT mode and parameters. The available options are:
+ // Streaming output
+ "#o0" - DISABLE continuous streaming output. Also see #f below.
+ "#o1" - ENABLE continuous streaming output.
+ // Angles output
+ "#ob" - Output angles in BINARY format (yaw/pitch/roll as binary float, so one output frame
+ is 3x4 = 12 bytes long).
+ "#ot" - Output angles in TEXT format (Output frames have form like "#YPR=-142.28,-5.38,33.52",
+ followed by carriage return and line feed [\r\n]).
+ "#ox" - Output angles and linear acceleration and rotational
+ velocity. Angles are in degrees, acceleration is
+ in units of 1.0 = 1/256 G (9.8/256 m/s^2). Rotational
+ velocity is in rad/s^2. (Output frames have form like
+ "#YPRAG=-142.28,-5.38,33.52,0.1,0.1,1.0,0.01,0.01,0.01",
+ followed by carriage return and line feed [\r\n]).
+ // Sensor calibration
+ "#oc" - Go to CALIBRATION output mode.
+ "#on" - When in calibration mode, go on to calibrate NEXT sensor.
+ // Sensor data output
+ "#osct" - Output CALIBRATED SENSOR data of all 9 axes in TEXT format.
+ One frame consist of three lines - one for each sensor: acc, mag, gyr.
+ "#osrt" - Output RAW SENSOR data of all 9 axes in TEXT format.
+ One frame consist of three lines - one for each sensor: acc, mag, gyr.
+ "#osbt" - Output BOTH raw and calibrated SENSOR data of all 9 axes in TEXT format.
+ One frame consist of six lines - like #osrt and #osct combined (first RAW, then CALIBRATED).
+ NOTE: This is a lot of number-to-text conversion work for the little 8MHz chip on the Razor boards.
+ In fact it's too much and an output frame rate of 50Hz can not be maintained. #osbb.
+ "#oscb" - Output CALIBRATED SENSOR data of all 9 axes in BINARY format.
+ One frame consist of three 3x3 float values = 36 bytes. Order is: acc x/y/z, mag x/y/z, gyr x/y/z.
+ "#osrb" - Output RAW SENSOR data of all 9 axes in BINARY format.
+ One frame consist of three 3x3 float values = 36 bytes. Order is: acc x/y/z, mag x/y/z, gyr x/y/z.
+ "#osbb" - Output BOTH raw and calibrated SENSOR data of all 9 axes in BINARY format.
+ One frame consist of 2x36 = 72 bytes - like #osrb and #oscb combined (first RAW, then CALIBRATED).
+ // Error message output
+ "#oe0" - Disable ERROR message output.
+ "#oe1" - Enable ERROR message output.
+ "#f" - Request one output frame - useful when continuous output is disabled and updates are
+ required in larger intervals only. Though #f only requests one reply, replies are still
+ bound to the internal 20ms (50Hz) time raster. So worst case delay that #f can add is 19.99ms.
+ "#s<xy>" - Request synch token - useful to find out where the frame boundaries are in a continuous
+ binary stream or to see if tracker is present and answering. The tracker will send
+ "#SYNCH<xy>\r\n" in response (so it's possible to read using a readLine() function).
+ x and y are two mandatory but arbitrary bytes that can be used to find out which request
+ the answer belongs to.
+ ("#C" and "#D" - Reserved for communication with optional Bluetooth module.)
+ Newline characters are not required. So you could send "#ob#o1#s", which
+ would set binary output mode, enable continuous streaming output and request
+ a synch token all at once.
+ The status LED will be on if streaming output is enabled and off otherwise.
+ Byte order of binary output is little-endian: least significant byte comes first.
+/*********** USER SETUP AREA! Set your options here! *************/
+// Select your hardware here by uncommenting one line!
+//#define HW__VERSION_CODE 10125 // SparkFun "9DOF Razor IMU" version "SEN-10125" (HMC5843 magnetometer)
+#define HW__VERSION_CODE 10736 // SparkFun "9DOF Razor IMU" version "SEN-10736" (HMC5883L magnetometer)
+//#define HW__VERSION_CODE 10183 // SparkFun "9DOF Sensor Stick" version "SEN-10183" (HMC5843 magnetometer)
+//#define HW__VERSION_CODE 10321 // SparkFun "9DOF Sensor Stick" version "SEN-10321" (HMC5843 magnetometer)
+//#define HW__VERSION_CODE 10724 // SparkFun "9DOF Sensor Stick" version "SEN-10724" (HMC5883L magnetometer)
+// Set your serial port baud rate used to send out data here!
+#define OUTPUT__BAUD_RATE 57600
+// Sensor data output interval in milliseconds
+// This may not work, if faster than 20ms (=50Hz)
+// Code is tuned for 20ms, so better leave it like that
+#define OUTPUT__DATA_INTERVAL 20 // in milliseconds
+// Output mode definitions (do not change)
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_CALIBRATE_SENSORS 0 // Outputs sensor min/max values as text for manual calibration
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES 1 // Outputs yaw/pitch/roll in degrees
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_SENSORS_CALIB 2 // Outputs calibrated sensor values for all 9 axes
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_SENSORS_RAW 3 // Outputs raw (uncalibrated) sensor values for all 9 axes
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_SENSORS_BOTH 4 // Outputs calibrated AND raw sensor values for all 9 axes
+#define OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES_AG_SENSORS 5 // Outputs yaw/pitch/roll in degrees + linear accel + rot. vel
+// Output format definitions (do not change)
+#define OUTPUT__FORMAT_TEXT 0 // Outputs data as text
+#define OUTPUT__FORMAT_BINARY 1 // Outputs data as binary float
+// Select your startup output mode and format here!
+int output_mode = OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES;
+int output_format = OUTPUT__FORMAT_TEXT;
+// Select if serial continuous streaming output is enabled per default on startup.
+#define OUTPUT__STARTUP_STREAM_ON false // true or false
+// If set true, an error message will be output if we fail to read sensor data.
+// Message format: "!ERR: reading <sensor>", followed by "\r\n".
+boolean output_errors = false; // true or false
+// Bluetooth
+// You can set this to true, if you have a Rovering Networks Bluetooth Module attached.
+// The connect/disconnect message prefix of the module has to be set to "#".
+// (Refer to manual, it can be set like this: SO,#)
+// When using this, streaming output will only be enabled as long as we're connected. That way
+// receiver and sender are synchronzed easily just by connecting/disconnecting.
+// It is not necessary to set this! It just makes life easier when writing code for
+// the receiving side. The Processing test sketch also works without setting this.
+// NOTE: When using this, OUTPUT__STARTUP_STREAM_ON has no effect!
+#define OUTPUT__HAS_RN_BLUETOOTH false // true or false
+// How to calibrate? Read the tutorial at http://dev.qu.tu-berlin.de/projects/sf-razor-9dof-ahrs
+// Put MIN/MAX and OFFSET readings for your board here!
+// Accelerometer
+// "accel x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX Y_MIN/Y_MAX Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
+float ACCEL_X_MIN = -250;
+float ACCEL_X_MAX = 250;
+float ACCEL_Y_MIN = -250;
+float ACCEL_Y_MAX = 250;
+float ACCEL_Z_MIN = -250;
+float ACCEL_Z_MAX = 250;
+// Magnetometer (standard calibration mode)
+// "magn x,y,z (min/max) = X_MIN/X_MAX Y_MIN/Y_MAX Z_MIN/Z_MAX"
+float MAGN_X_MIN = -600;
+float MAGN_X_MAX = 600;
+float MAGN_Y_MIN = -600;
+float MAGN_Y_MAX = 600;
+float MAGN_Z_MIN = -600;
+float MAGN_Z_MAX = 600;
+// Magnetometer (extended calibration mode)
+// Set to true to use extended magnetometer calibration (compensates hard & soft iron errors)
+float magn_ellipsoid_center[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+float magn_ellipsoid_transform[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
+// Gyroscope
+// "gyro x,y,z (current/average) = .../OFFSET_X .../OFFSET_Y .../OFFSET_Z
+// When set to true, gyro drift correction will not be applied
+// Print elapsed time after each I/O loop
+#define DEBUG__PRINT_LOOP_TIME false
+/****************** END OF USER SETUP AREA! *********************/
+// Check if hardware version code is defined
+ // Generate compile error
+#include <Wire.h>
+#define GRAVITY 256.0f // "1G reference" used for DCM filter and accelerometer calibration
+// Sensor calibration scale and offset values
+float ACCEL_X_OFFSET = ((ACCEL_X_MIN + ACCEL_X_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float ACCEL_Y_OFFSET = ((ACCEL_Y_MIN + ACCEL_Y_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float ACCEL_Z_OFFSET = ((ACCEL_Z_MIN + ACCEL_Z_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float MAGN_X_OFFSET = ((MAGN_X_MIN + MAGN_X_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float MAGN_Y_OFFSET = ((MAGN_Y_MIN + MAGN_Y_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float MAGN_Z_OFFSET = ((MAGN_Z_MIN + MAGN_Z_MAX) / 2.0f);
+float MAGN_X_SCALE = (100.0f / (MAGN_X_MAX - MAGN_X_OFFSET));
+float MAGN_Y_SCALE = (100.0f / (MAGN_Y_MAX - MAGN_Y_OFFSET));
+float MAGN_Z_SCALE = (100.0f / (MAGN_Z_MAX - MAGN_Z_OFFSET));
+// Gain for gyroscope (ITG-3200)
+#define GYRO_GAIN 0.06957 // Same gain on all axes
+#define GYRO_SCALED_RAD(x) (x * TO_RAD(GYRO_GAIN)) // Calculate the scaled gyro readings in radians per second
+// DCM parameters
+#define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.02f
+#define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.00002f
+#define Kp_YAW 1.2f
+#define Ki_YAW 0.00002f
+// Stuff
+#define STATUS_LED_PIN 13 // Pin number of status LED
+#define TO_RAD(x) (x * 0.01745329252) // *pi/180
+#define TO_DEG(x) (x * 57.2957795131) // *180/pi
+// Sensor variables
+float accel[3]; // Actually stores the NEGATED acceleration (equals gravity, if board not moving).
+float accel_min[3];
+float accel_max[3];
+float magnetom[3];
+float magnetom_min[3];
+float magnetom_max[3];
+float magnetom_tmp[3];
+float gyro[3];
+float gyro_average[3];
+int gyro_num_samples = 0;
+// DCM variables
+float MAG_Heading;
+float Accel_Vector[3]= {0, 0, 0}; // Store the acceleration in a vector
+float Gyro_Vector[3]= {0, 0, 0}; // Store the gyros turn rate in a vector
+float Omega_Vector[3]= {0, 0, 0}; // Corrected Gyro_Vector data
+float Omega_P[3]= {0, 0, 0}; // Omega Proportional correction
+float Omega_I[3]= {0, 0, 0}; // Omega Integrator
+float Omega[3]= {0, 0, 0};
+float errorRollPitch[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+float errorYaw[3] = {0, 0, 0};
+float DCM_Matrix[3][3] = {{1, 0, 0}, {0, 1, 0}, {0, 0, 1}};
+float Update_Matrix[3][3] = {{0, 1, 2}, {3, 4, 5}, {6, 7, 8}};
+float Temporary_Matrix[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
+// Euler angles
+float yaw;
+float pitch;
+float roll;
+// DCM timing in the main loop
+unsigned long timestamp;
+unsigned long timestamp_old;
+float G_Dt; // Integration time for DCM algorithm
+// More output-state variables
+boolean output_stream_on;
+boolean output_single_on;
+int curr_calibration_sensor = 0;
+boolean reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+int num_accel_errors = 0;
+int num_magn_errors = 0;
+int num_gyro_errors = 0;
+void read_sensors() {
+ Read_Gyro(); // Read gyroscope
+ Read_Accel(); // Read accelerometer
+ Read_Magn(); // Read magnetometer
+//should be called after every #ca calibration command
+void recalculateAccelCalibration(){
+//should be called after every #cm calibration command
+void recalculateMagnCalibration(){
+// Read every sensor and record a time stamp
+// Init DCM with unfiltered orientation
+// TODO re-init global vars?
+void reset_sensor_fusion() {
+ float temp1[3];
+ float temp2[3];
+ float xAxis[] = {1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f};
+ read_sensors();
+ timestamp = millis();
+ // Using y-z-plane-component/x-component of gravity vector
+ pitch = -atan2(accel[0], sqrt(accel[1] * accel[1] + accel[2] * accel[2]));
+ // Compensate pitch of gravity vector
+ Vector_Cross_Product(temp1, accel, xAxis);
+ Vector_Cross_Product(temp2, xAxis, temp1);
+ // Normally using x-z-plane-component/y-component of compensated gravity vector
+ // roll = atan2(temp2[1], sqrt(temp2[0] * temp2[0] + temp2[2] * temp2[2]));
+ // Since we compensated for pitch, x-z-plane-component equals z-component:
+ roll = atan2(temp2[1], temp2[2]);
+ // GET YAW
+ Compass_Heading();
+ yaw = MAG_Heading;
+ // Init rotation matrix
+ init_rotation_matrix(DCM_Matrix, yaw, pitch, roll);
+// Apply calibration to raw sensor readings
+void compensate_sensor_errors() {
+ // Compensate accelerometer error
+ accel[0] = (accel[0] - ACCEL_X_OFFSET) * ACCEL_X_SCALE;
+ accel[1] = (accel[1] - ACCEL_Y_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Y_SCALE;
+ accel[2] = (accel[2] - ACCEL_Z_OFFSET) * ACCEL_Z_SCALE;
+ // Compensate magnetometer error
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ magnetom_tmp[i] = magnetom[i] - magn_ellipsoid_center[i];
+ Matrix_Vector_Multiply(magn_ellipsoid_transform, magnetom_tmp, magnetom);
+ }else{
+ magnetom[0] = (magnetom[0] - MAGN_X_OFFSET) * MAGN_X_SCALE;
+ magnetom[1] = (magnetom[1] - MAGN_Y_OFFSET) * MAGN_Y_SCALE;
+ magnetom[2] = (magnetom[2] - MAGN_Z_OFFSET) * MAGN_Z_SCALE;
+ }
+ // Compensate gyroscope error
+// Reset calibration session if reset_calibration_session_flag is set
+void check_reset_calibration_session()
+ // Raw sensor values have to be read already, but no error compensation applied
+ // Reset this calibration session?
+ if (!reset_calibration_session_flag) return;
+ // Reset acc and mag calibration variables
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ accel_min[i] = accel_max[i] = accel[i];
+ magnetom_min[i] = magnetom_max[i] = magnetom[i];
+ }
+ // Reset gyro calibration variables
+ gyro_num_samples = 0; // Reset gyro calibration averaging
+ gyro_average[0] = gyro_average[1] = gyro_average[2] = 0.0f;
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = false;
+void turn_output_stream_on()
+ output_stream_on = true;
+ digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_PIN, HIGH);
+void turn_output_stream_off()
+ output_stream_on = false;
+ digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_PIN, LOW);
+// Blocks until another byte is available on serial port
+char readChar()
+ while (Serial.available() < 1) { } // Block
+ return Serial.read();
+void setup()
+ // Init serial output
+ Serial.begin(OUTPUT__BAUD_RATE);
+ // Init status LED
+ digitalWrite(STATUS_LED_PIN, LOW);
+ // Init sensors
+ delay(50); // Give sensors enough time to start
+ I2C_Init();
+ Accel_Init();
+ Magn_Init();
+ Gyro_Init();
+ // Read sensors, init DCM algorithm
+ delay(20); // Give sensors enough time to collect data
+ reset_sensor_fusion();
+ // Init output
+ turn_output_stream_off();
+ turn_output_stream_on();
+// Main loop
+void loop()
+ // Read incoming control messages
+ if (Serial.available() >= 2)
+ {
+ if (Serial.read() == '#') // Start of new control message
+ {
+ int command = Serial.read(); // Commands
+ if (command == 'f') // request one output _f_rame
+ output_single_on = true;
+ else if (command == 's') // _s_ynch request
+ {
+ // Read ID
+ byte id[2];
+ id[0] = readChar();
+ id[1] = readChar();
+ // Reply with synch message
+ Serial.print("#SYNCH");
+ Serial.write(id, 2);
+ Serial.println();
+ }
+ else if (command == 'o') // Set _o_utput mode
+ {
+ char output_param = readChar();
+ if (output_param == 'n') // Calibrate _n_ext sensor
+ {
+ curr_calibration_sensor = (curr_calibration_sensor + 1) % 3;
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 't') // Output angles as _t_ext
+ {
+ output_mode = OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES;
+ output_format = OUTPUT__FORMAT_TEXT;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 'b') // Output angles in _b_inary format
+ {
+ output_mode = OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES;
+ output_format = OUTPUT__FORMAT_BINARY;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 'c') // Go to _c_alibration mode
+ {
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 'x') // Go to _c_alibration mode for both sensor and angle comment: Tang
+ {
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 's') // Output _s_ensor values
+ {
+ char values_param = readChar();
+ char format_param = readChar();
+ if (values_param == 'r') // Output _r_aw sensor values
+ output_mode = OUTPUT__MODE_SENSORS_RAW;
+ else if (values_param == 'c') // Output _c_alibrated sensor values
+ else if (values_param == 'b') // Output _b_oth sensor values (raw and calibrated)
+ output_mode = OUTPUT__MODE_SENSORS_BOTH;
+ if (format_param == 't') // Output values as _t_text
+ output_format = OUTPUT__FORMAT_TEXT;
+ else if (format_param == 'b') // Output values in _b_inary format
+ output_format = OUTPUT__FORMAT_BINARY;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == '0') // Disable continuous streaming output
+ {
+ turn_output_stream_off();
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+ }
+ else if (output_param == '1') // Enable continuous streaming output
+ {
+ reset_calibration_session_flag = true;
+ turn_output_stream_on();
+ }
+ else if (output_param == 'e') // _e_rror output settings
+ {
+ char error_param = readChar();
+ if (error_param == '0') output_errors = false;
+ else if (error_param == '1') output_errors = true;
+ else if (error_param == 'c') // get error count
+ {
+ Serial.print("#AMG-ERR:");
+ Serial.print(num_accel_errors); Serial.print(",");
+ Serial.print(num_magn_errors); Serial.print(",");
+ Serial.println(num_gyro_errors);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (command == 'p') // Set _p_rint calibration values
+ {
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_X_MIN:");Serial.println(ACCEL_X_MIN);
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_X_MAX:");Serial.println(ACCEL_X_MAX);
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_Y_MIN:");Serial.println(ACCEL_Y_MIN);
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_Y_MAX:");Serial.println(ACCEL_Y_MAX);
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_Z_MIN:");Serial.println(ACCEL_Z_MIN);
+ Serial.print("ACCEL_Z_MAX:");Serial.println(ACCEL_Z_MAX);
+ Serial.println("");
+ Serial.print("MAGN_X_MIN:");Serial.println(MAGN_X_MIN);
+ Serial.print("MAGN_X_MAX:");Serial.println(MAGN_X_MAX);
+ Serial.print("MAGN_Y_MIN:");Serial.println(MAGN_Y_MIN);
+ Serial.print("MAGN_Y_MAX:");Serial.println(MAGN_Y_MAX);
+ Serial.print("MAGN_Z_MIN:");Serial.println(MAGN_Z_MIN);
+ Serial.print("MAGN_Z_MAX:");Serial.println(MAGN_Z_MAX);
+ Serial.println("");
+ Serial.print("MAGN_USE_EXTENDED:");
+ Serial.println("true");
+ else
+ Serial.println("false");
+ Serial.print("magn_ellipsoid_center:[");Serial.print(magn_ellipsoid_center[0],4);Serial.print(",");
+ Serial.print(magn_ellipsoid_center[1],4);Serial.print(",");
+ Serial.print(magn_ellipsoid_center[2],4);Serial.println("]");
+ Serial.print("magn_ellipsoid_transform:[");
+ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++){
+ Serial.print("[");
+ for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
+ Serial.print(magn_ellipsoid_transform[i][j],7);
+ if (j < 2) Serial.print(",");
+ }
+ Serial.print("]");
+ if (i < 2) Serial.print(",");
+ }
+ Serial.println("]");
+ Serial.println("");
+ Serial.print("GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_X:");Serial.println(GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_X);
+ Serial.print("GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Y:");Serial.println(GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Y);
+ Serial.print("GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Z:");Serial.println(GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Z);
+ }
+ else if (command == 'c') // Set _i_nput mode
+ {
+ char input_param = readChar();
+ if (input_param == 'a') // Calibrate _a_ccelerometer
+ {
+ char axis_param = readChar();
+ char type_param = readChar();
+ float value_param = Serial.parseFloat();
+ if (axis_param == 'x') // x value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ ACCEL_X_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ ACCEL_X_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'y') // y value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ ACCEL_Y_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ ACCEL_Y_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'z') // z value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ ACCEL_Z_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ ACCEL_Z_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ recalculateAccelCalibration();
+ }
+ else if (input_param == 'm') // Calibrate _m_agnetometer (basic)
+ {
+ //disable extended magnetometer calibration
+ char axis_param = readChar();
+ char type_param = readChar();
+ float value_param = Serial.parseFloat();
+ if (axis_param == 'x') // x value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ MAGN_X_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ MAGN_X_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'y') // y value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ MAGN_Y_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ MAGN_Y_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'z') // z value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'm')
+ MAGN_Z_MIN = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'M')
+ MAGN_Z_MAX = value_param;
+ }
+ recalculateMagnCalibration();
+ }
+ else if (input_param == 'c') // Calibrate magnetometerellipsoid_c_enter (extended)
+ {
+ //enable extended magnetometer calibration
+ char axis_param = readChar();
+ float value_param = Serial.parseFloat();
+ if (axis_param == 'x') // x value
+ magn_ellipsoid_center[0] = value_param;
+ else if (axis_param == 'y') // y value
+ magn_ellipsoid_center[1] = value_param;
+ else if (axis_param == 'z') // z value
+ magn_ellipsoid_center[2] = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (input_param == 't') // Calibrate magnetometerellipsoid_t_ransform (extended)
+ {
+ //enable extended magnetometer calibration
+ char axis_param = readChar();
+ char type_param = readChar();
+ float value_param = Serial.parseFloat();
+ if (axis_param == 'x') // x value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'X')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[0][0] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Y')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[0][1] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Z')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[0][2] = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'y') // y value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'X')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[1][0] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Y')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[1][1] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Z')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[1][2] = value_param;
+ }
+ else if (axis_param == 'z') // z value
+ {
+ if (type_param == 'X')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[2][0] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Y')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[2][1] = value_param;
+ else if (type_param == 'Z')
+ magn_ellipsoid_transform[2][2] = value_param;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (input_param == 'g') // Calibrate _g_yro
+ {
+ char axis_param = readChar();
+ float value_param = Serial.parseFloat();
+ if (axis_param == 'x') // x value
+ GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_X = value_param;
+ else if (axis_param == 'y') // y value
+ GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Y = value_param;
+ else if (axis_param == 'z') // z value
+ GYRO_AVERAGE_OFFSET_Z = value_param;
+ }
+ }
+ // Read messages from bluetooth module
+ // For this to work, the connect/disconnect message prefix of the module has to be set to "#".
+ else if (command == 'C') // Bluetooth "#CONNECT" message (does the same as "#o1")
+ turn_output_stream_on();
+ else if (command == 'D') // Bluetooth "#DISCONNECT" message (does the same as "#o0")
+ turn_output_stream_off();
+#endif // OUTPUT__HAS_RN_BLUETOOTH == true
+ }
+ else
+ { } // Skip character
+ }
+ // Time to read the sensors again?
+ if((millis() - timestamp) >= OUTPUT__DATA_INTERVAL)
+ {
+ timestamp_old = timestamp;
+ timestamp = millis();
+ if (timestamp > timestamp_old)
+ G_Dt = (float) (timestamp - timestamp_old) / 1000.0f; // Real time of loop run. We use this on the DCM algorithm (gyro integration time)
+ else G_Dt = 0;
+ // Update sensor readings
+ read_sensors();
+ if (output_mode == OUTPUT__MODE_CALIBRATE_SENSORS) // We're in calibration mode
+ {
+ check_reset_calibration_session(); // Check if this session needs a reset
+ if (output_stream_on || output_single_on) output_calibration(curr_calibration_sensor);
+ }
+ else if (output_mode == OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES) // Output angles
+ {
+ // Apply sensor calibration
+ compensate_sensor_errors();
+ // Run DCM algorithm
+ Compass_Heading(); // Calculate magnetic heading
+ Matrix_update();
+ Normalize();
+ Drift_correction();
+ Euler_angles();
+ if (output_stream_on || output_single_on) output_angles();
+ }
+ else if (output_mode == OUTPUT__MODE_ANGLES_AG_SENSORS) // Output angles + accel + rot. vel
+ {
+ // Apply sensor calibration
+ compensate_sensor_errors();
+ // Run DCM algorithm
+ Compass_Heading(); // Calculate magnetic heading
+ Matrix_update();
+ Normalize();
+ Drift_correction();
+ Euler_angles();
+ if (output_stream_on || output_single_on) output_both_angles_and_sensors_text();
+ }
+ else // Output sensor values
+ {
+ if (output_stream_on || output_single_on) output_sensors();
+ }
+ output_single_on = false;
+ Serial.print("loop time (ms) = ");
+ Serial.println(millis() - timestamp);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Serial.println("waiting...");
+ }