@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-import rospy
-from visual import *
-import math
-import wx
-from sensor_msgs.msg import Imu
-from tf.transformations import euler_from_quaternion
-rad2degrees = 180.0/math.pi
-precision = 2 #round to this number of digits
-yaw_offset = 0 #used to align animation upon key press
-#Create shutdown hook to kill visual displays
-def shutdown_hook():
- #print "Killing displays"
- wx.Exit()
-#register shutdown hook
-# Main scene
-scene=display(title="9DOF Razor IMU Main Screen")
-scene.forward = (1,0,-0.25)
-# Change reference axis (x,y,z) - z is up
-# Second scene (Roll, Pitch, Yaw)
-scene2 = display(title='6DOF IMU Roll, Pitch, Yaw',x=550, y=0, width=500, height=500,center=(0,0,0), background=(0,0,0))
-#Roll, Pitch, Yaw
-#Default reference, i.e. x runs right, y runs up, z runs backward (out of screen)
-cil_roll = cylinder(pos=(-0.5,0.3,0),axis=(0.2,0,0),radius=0.01,color=color.red)
-cil_roll2 = cylinder(pos=(-0.5,0.3,0),axis=(-0.2,0,0),radius=0.01,color=color.red)
-cil_pitch = arrow(pos=(0.5,0.3,0),axis=(0,0,-0.4),shaftwidth=0.02,color=color.green)
-arrow_course = arrow(pos=(0.0,-0.4,0),color=color.cyan,axis=(0,0.2,0), shaftwidth=0.02, fixedwidth=1)
-#Roll,Pitch,Yaw labels
-label(pos=(-0.5,0.6,0),text="Roll (degrees / radians)",box=0,opacity=0)
-label(pos=(0.5,0.6,0),text="Pitch (degrees / radians)",box=0,opacity=0)
-label(pos=(0.0,0.02,0),text="Yaw (degrees / radians)",box=0,opacity=0)
-rollLabel = label(pos=(-0.5,0.52,0),text="-",box=0,opacity=0,height=12)
-pitchLabel = label(pos=(0.5,0.52,0),text="-",box=0,opacity=0,height=12)
-yawLabel = label(pos=(0,-0.06,0),text="-",box=0,opacity=0,height=12)
-#acceleration labels
-label(pos=(0,0.9,0),text="Linear Acceleration x / y / z (m/s^2)",box=0,opacity=0)
-label(pos=(0,-0.8,0),text="Angular Velocity x / y / z (rad/s)",box=0,opacity=0)
-linAccLabel = label(pos=(0,0.82,0),text="-",box=0,opacity=0,height=12)
-angVelLabel = label(pos=(0,-0.88,0),text="-",box=0,opacity=0,height=12)
-# Main scene objects
-# Reference axis (x,y,z) - using ROS conventions (REP 103) - z is up, y left (north, 90 deg), x is forward (east, 0 deg)
-# In visual, z runs up, x runs forward, y runs left (see scene.up command earlier)
-# So everything is good
-arrow(color=color.green,axis=(1,0,0), shaftwidth=0.04, fixedwidth=1)
-arrow(color=color.green,axis=(0,1,0), shaftwidth=0.04 , fixedwidth=1)
-arrow(color=color.green,axis=(0,0,1), shaftwidth=0.04, fixedwidth=1)
-# labels
-label(pos=(0,0,-1.2),text="Press 'a' to align",box=0,opacity=0)
-# IMU object
-platform = box(length=1.0, height=0.05, width=0.65, color=color.red,up=(0,0,1),axis=(-1,0,0))
-p_line = box(length=1.1,height=0.08,width=0.1,color=color.yellow,up=(0,0,1),axis=(-1,0,0))
-plat_arrow = arrow(length=-0.8,color=color.cyan,up=(0,0,1),axis=(-1,0,0), shaftwidth=0.06, fixedwidth=1)
-plat_arrow_up = arrow(length=0.4,color=color.cyan,up=(-1,0,0),axis=(0,0,1), shaftwidth=0.06, fixedwidth=1)
-def processIMU_message(imuMsg):
- global yaw_offset
- roll=0
- pitch=0
- yaw=0
- quaternion = (
- imuMsg.orientation.x,
- imuMsg.orientation.y,
- imuMsg.orientation.z,
- imuMsg.orientation.w)
- (roll,pitch,yaw) = euler_from_quaternion(quaternion)
- #add align offset to yaw
- yaw += yaw_offset
- axis=(-cos(pitch)*cos(yaw),-cos(pitch)*sin(yaw),sin(pitch))
- up=(sin(roll)*sin(yaw)+cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw),-sin(roll)*cos(yaw)+cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw),cos(roll)*cos(pitch))
- platform.axis=axis
- platform.up=up
- platform.length=1.0
- plat_arrow_up.axis=up
- plat_arrow_up.up=axis
- plat_arrow_up.length=0.4
- plat_arrow.axis=axis
- plat_arrow.up=up
- plat_arrow.length=-0.8
- p_line.axis=axis
- p_line.up=up
- p_line.length=1.1
- cil_roll.axis=(-0.2*cos(roll),0.2*sin(roll),0)
- cil_roll2.axis=(0.2*cos(roll),-0.2*sin(roll),0)
- cil_pitch.axis=(0,-0.4*sin(pitch),-0.4*cos(pitch))
- #remove yaw_offset from yaw display
- arrow_course.axis=(-0.2*sin(yaw-yaw_offset),0.2*cos(yaw-yaw_offset),0)
- #display in degrees / radians
- rollLabel.text = str(round(roll*rad2degrees, precision)) + " / " + str(round(roll,precision))
- pitchLabel.text = str(round(pitch*rad2degrees, precision)) + " / " + str(round(pitch, precision))
- #remove yaw_offset from yaw display
- yawLabel.text = str(round((yaw-yaw_offset)*rad2degrees, precision)) + " / " + str(round((yaw-yaw_offset), precision))
- linAccLabel.text = str(round(imuMsg.linear_acceleration.x, precision)) + " / " + str(round(imuMsg.linear_acceleration.y, precision)) + " / " + str(round(imuMsg.linear_acceleration.z, precision))
- angVelLabel.text = str(round(imuMsg.angular_velocity.x, precision)) + " / " + str(round(imuMsg.angular_velocity.y, precision)) + " / " + str(round(imuMsg.angular_velocity.z, precision))
- #check for align key press - if pressed, next refresh will be aligned
- if scene.kb.keys: # event waiting to be processed?
- s = scene.kb.getkey() # get keyboard info
- if s == 'a':
- #align key pressed - align
- yaw_offset += -yaw
-sub = rospy.Subscriber('imu', Imu, processIMU_message)