@@ -4,26 +4,40 @@
#include "tf/tf.h"
#include "robot/robot.h"
#include "geometry_msgs/Twist.h"
+#include "robot/rrt.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include "robot/obstacles.h"
+#include "robot/waypoint.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#include "geometry_msgs/Pose.h"
+#define success false
+#define running true
Robot::Robot() :
threshold_(0.1) {
-void Robot::odometryCallback (const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg) {
- ROS_DEBUG("got odometry");
- robot_pose_ = msg->pose.pose;
- if (execute_) {
+void Robot::odometryCallback (const nav_msgs::Odometry::ConstPtr& msg)
+ ROS_INFO("got odometry");
+ robot_pose_ = msg->pose.pose;
+ ROS_INFO_STREAM("robot pose_x:" << robot_pose_.position.x << "pose_y:" << robot_pose_.position.y);
+ if (execute_)
+ {
-void Robot::startExecutePath() {
+void Robot::startExecutePath()
execute_start_time_ = ros::Time::now();
execute_ = true;
-void Robot::stopExecutePath() {
+void Robot::stopExecutePath()
geometry_msgs::Twist command;
command.angular.z = 0;
command.linear.x = 0;
@@ -31,12 +45,13 @@ void Robot::stopExecutePath() {
execute_ = false;
-bool Robot::addPathService(robot_coordination::AddPath::Request& req, robot_coordination::AddPath::Response& res) {
- ROS_INFO("service addPath called");
+bool Robot::addPathService(robot_coordination::AddPath::Request& req, robot_coordination::AddPath::Response& res)
+ ROS_WARN("service addPath called");
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Plan has " << req.waypoints.size() << " points");
for (int i =0; i < req.waypoints.size(); i++) {
- plan_.push_back(Waypoint(req.waypoints[i].pose,req.waypoints[i].timepoint));
+ plan_.push_back(Waypoint(req.waypoints[i].pose, req.waypoints[i].timepoint));
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("added waypoint (" <<
req.waypoints[i].pose.position.x <<
", " <<
@@ -68,8 +83,96 @@ void Robot::setCommandPublisher(ros::Publisher * cmdpub) {
command_publisher_ = cmdpub;
-bool Robot::followTheCarrot() {
- if (plan_.empty()) {
+bool Robot::addNewPointtoRRT(RRT &myRRT, RRT::rrtNode &tempNode, int rrtStepSize, vector< vector<geometry_msgs::Point> > &obstArray)
+ int nearestNodeID = myRRT.getNearestNodeID(tempNode.posX, tempNode.posY);
+ RRT::rrtNode nearestNode = myRRT.getNode(nearestNodeID);
+ double theta = atan2(tempNode.posY - nearestNode.posY,tempNode.posX - nearestNode.posX);
+ tempNode.posX = nearestNode.posX + (rrtStepSize * cos(theta));
+ tempNode.posY = nearestNode.posY + (rrtStepSize * sin(theta));
+ if(checkIfInsideBoundary(tempNode) && checkIfOutsideObstacles(obstArray,tempNode))
+ {
+ tempNode.parentID = nearestNodeID;
+ tempNode.nodeID = myRRT.getTreeSize();
+ myRRT.addNewNode(tempNode);
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+void Robot::generateTempPoint(RRT::rrtNode &tempNode)
+ int x = rand() % 150 + 1;
+ int y = rand() % 150 + 1;
+ tempNode.posX = x;
+ tempNode.posY = y;
+void Robot::addBranchtoRRTTree(RRT::rrtNode &tempNode, RRT &myRRT)
+ geometry_msgs::Point point;
+ point.x = tempNode.posX;
+ point.y = tempNode.posY;
+ point.z = 0;
+ RRT::rrtNode parentNode = myRRT.getParent(tempNode.nodeID);
+ point.x = parentNode.posX;
+ point.y = parentNode.posY;
+ point.z = 0;
+bool Robot::checkNodetoGoal(int X, int Y, RRT::rrtNode &tempNode)
+ double distance = sqrt(pow(X-tempNode.posX,2)+pow(Y-tempNode.posY,2));
+ if(distance < 3)
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+vector< vector<geometry_msgs::Point> > Robot::getObstacles(int pose_x, int pose_y)
+ obstacles obst;
+ return obst.getObstacleArray(pose_x, pose_y);
+bool Robot::checkIfOutsideObstacles(vector< vector<geometry_msgs::Point> > &obstArray, RRT::rrtNode &tempNode)
+ double AB, AD, AMAB, AMAD;
+ for(int i=0; i<obstArray.size(); i++)
+ {
+ AB = (pow(obstArray[i][0].x - obstArray[i][1].x,2) + pow(obstArray[i][0].y - obstArray[i][1].y,2));
+ AD = (pow(obstArray[i][0].x - obstArray[i][3].x,2) + pow(obstArray[i][0].y - obstArray[i][3].y,2));
+ AMAB = (((tempNode.posX - obstArray[i][0].x) * (obstArray[i][1].x - obstArray[i][0].x)) + (( tempNode.posY - obstArray[i][0].y) * (obstArray[i][1].y - obstArray[i][0].y)));
+ AMAD = (((tempNode.posX - obstArray[i][0].x) * (obstArray[i][3].x - obstArray[i][0].x)) + (( tempNode.posY - obstArray[i][0].y) * (obstArray[i][3].y - obstArray[i][0].y)));
+ if((0 < AMAB) && (AMAB < AB) && (0 < AMAD) && (AMAD < AD))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool Robot::checkIfInsideBoundary(RRT::rrtNode &tempNode)
+ if(tempNode.posX < 0 || tempNode.posY < 0 || tempNode.posX > 100 || tempNode.posY > 100 )
+ return false;
+ else
+ return true;
+bool Robot::followTheCarrot()
+ if (plan_.empty())
+ {
geometry_msgs::Twist command;
command.angular.z = 0;
command.linear.x = 0;
@@ -82,22 +185,93 @@ bool Robot::followTheCarrot() {
+ // rrt path planner
Waypoint actual_goal = plan_.front();
- const double dist = actual_goal.distanceTo(robot_pose_);
- const double angle = actual_goal.angleTo(robot_pose_);
+ //initializing rrtTree
+ RRT myRRT(robot_pose_.position.x, robot_pose_.position.y);
+ int goalX = 0;
+ int goalY = 0;
+ goalX = actual_goal.pose.position.x;
+ goalY = actual_goal.pose.position.y;
+ int rrtStepSize = 3;
+ vector< vector<int> > rrtPaths;
+ vector<int> path;
+ int rrtPathLimit = 1;
+ int shortestPathLength = 9999;
+ int shortestPath = -1;
+ RRT::rrtNode tempNode;
+ //Param input other robot current pose.x, pose.y
+ vector< vector<geometry_msgs::Point> > obstacleList = getObstacles(0.1, 0.1);
+ bool addNodeResult = false, nodeToGoal = false;
+ bool status = running;
+ while(ros::ok() && status)
+ {
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ if(rrtPaths.size() < rrtPathLimit)
+ {
+ generateTempPoint(tempNode);
+ addNodeResult = addNewPointtoRRT(myRRT, tempNode, rrtStepSize, obstacleList);
+ if(addNodeResult)
+ {
+ ROS_INFO("tempnode accepted");
+ addBranchtoRRTTree(tempNode, myRRT);
+ nodeToGoal = checkNodetoGoal(goalX, goalY, tempNode);
+ if(nodeToGoal)
+ {
+ path = myRRT.getRootToEndPath(tempNode.nodeID);
+ rrtPaths.push_back(path);
+ ROS_WARN_STREAM("New Path Found. Total paths " << rrtPaths.size());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else //if(rrtPaths.size() >= rrtPathLimit)
+ {
+ status = success;
+ ROS_WARN("Finding Optimal Path !");
+ for(int i=0; i<rrtPaths.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if(rrtPaths[i].size() < shortestPath)
+ {
+ shortestPath = i;
+ shortestPathLength = rrtPaths[i].size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }//end while
+ //default method move origin to goal.
+ #if 1
+ Waypoint first;
+ geometry_msgs::Pose temp_pose;
+ first.pose = temp_pose;
+ first.pose.position.x = myRRT.getNode(1).posX;
+ first.pose.position.y = myRRT.getNode(1).posY;
+ first.timepoint = ros::Duration(10.0);
+ Waypoint temp_goal = first;
+ const double dist = temp_goal.distanceTo(robot_pose_);
+ const double angle = temp_goal.angleTo(robot_pose_);
tf::Quaternion q(
tf::Matrix3x3 m(q);
double roll;
double pitch;
double yaw;
m.getRPY(roll, pitch, yaw);
ROS_INFO("distance %f and angle %f to goal", dist,angle);
ROS_INFO("robot roll %f , pitch %f yaw %f", roll, pitch, yaw);
geometry_msgs::Twist command;
double delta = angle - yaw;
if (delta > M_PI ) {
@@ -108,25 +282,27 @@ bool Robot::followTheCarrot() {
ROS_INFO_STREAM(ros::Time::now() << " " << actual_goal.timepoint);
const double time_to_goal = ((execute_start_time_ + actual_goal.timepoint) - ros::Time::now()).toSec();
ROS_INFO("time to goal %f ", time_to_goal);
double speed;
- if (time_to_goal > 0) {
+ if (time_to_goal > 0)
+ {
speed = dist/time_to_goal ;
- } else {
- speed = 1;
- //plan_.clear();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ speed = 1;
command.angular.z = 2 * (sin(delta) - 0.333 * sin(3 * delta));
command.angular.z = delta;
command.linear.x = speed * (cos(delta) + 0.333 * cos(3 * delta));
- if (command.linear.x < 0) {
+ if (command.linear.x < 0)
+ {
command.linear.x = 0;
+ #endif
return false;