IMU tools for ROS =================================== Overview ----------------------------------- IMU-related filters and visualizers. The stack contains: * `imu_filter_madgwick`: a filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation. Based on the work of [1]. * `imu_complementary_filter`: a filter which fuses angular velocities, accelerations, and (optionally) magnetic readings from a generic IMU device into an orientation quaternion using a novel approach based on a complementary fusion. Based on the work of [2]. * `rviz_imu_plugin` a plugin for rviz which displays `sensor_msgs::Imu` messages Installing ----------------------------------- ### From source ### [Create a catkin workspace]( (e.g., `~/ros-hydro-ws/`) and source the `devel/setup.bash` file. Make sure you have git installed: sudo apt-get install git-core Download the stack from our repository into your catkin workspace (e.g., `ros-hydro-ws/src`; use the proper branch for your distro, e.g., `groovy`, `hydro`...): git clone -b Install any dependencies using [rosdep]( rosdep install imu_tools Compile the stack: cd ~/ros-hydro-ws catkin_make More info ----------------------------------- License ----------------------------------- * `imu_filter_madgwick`: currently licensed as GPL, following the original implementation * `imu_complementary_filter`: BSD * `rviz_imu_plugin`: BSD References ----------------------------------- [1] [2]