#!/bin/bash ############################################################## # Author: www.corvin.cn ############################################################## # Description: 该脚本只有在需要分发本代码时发送给其他人执行 # 即可,其他人执行该脚本即可自动的下载语音相关所有源码。 # 而且该脚本还可以在下载完成源码后,然后自动切换分支, # 更新当前分支代码与服务器代码同步,然后调用setup_config.sh # 脚本来自动配置编译环境,安装缺失软件包,编译整个源码。 # ############################################################## # History: # 20171205 - init this bash file # 20171212 - 当git clone前首先来安装git,防止没有下载 # 软件就开始git clone下载代码; # 20180102-增加可以下载树莓派分支代码功能,增加提示信息,让 # 用户根据自己设备要求来选择相应分支代码; # ############################################################## green="\e[32;1m" red="\e[31m" blue="\e[34m" normal="\e[0m" FILE_PATH=$(dirname $(readlink -f "$0")) SELECT_OK="false" echo -e "${green}***************************************************************************** ${normal}\n" echo -e "${green}********** Welcome Download ROS Chinese Voice System Source Code ! ********** ${normal}\n" echo -e "${green}********** www.corvin.cn ********** ${normal}\n" echo -e "${green}***************************************************************************** ${normal}\n" echo -e "${green}In Server All Git Branches List Blow:${normal}" echo -e "${green}1: ubuntu14.04_x64_indigo${normal}" echo -e "${green}2: ubuntu16.04_x64_kinetic${normal}" echo -e "${green}3: raspberry_jessie_indigo${normal}" echo -e "${green}4: raspberry_ubuntuMate16.04_kinetic${normal}" while [ $SELECT_OK == "false" ] do read -p "Please select download branch code based on your device and ros version: " index case $index in 1)GIT_BRANCH="ubuntu16.04_kinetic" SELECT_OK="true";; 2)GIT_BRANCH="raspberry_kinetic" SELECT_OK="true";; 3)GIT_BRANCH="master" SELECT_OK="true";; *) echo -e "${red}Selected index error! ${normal}";; esac done echo -e "${green} Now will try git clone ${GIT_BRANCH} branch code...${normal}" #check if exists setup_config.sh or ros_voice_system folder echo -e "${green} 1: Check if need download voice source code ${normal}" if [ ! -f "setup_config.sh" ] && [ ! -d "ros_voice_system" ] then sudo apt-get install -y git if [ $? -eq 0 ] then git clone -b ${GIT_BRANCH} https://code.corvin.cn:3000/ros_voice_system.git if [ $? -ne 0 ] then echo -e "${red}ERROR! Git clone source code unknown error, please retry later...${normal}" exit 1 fi else echo -e "${red}Can't install git pkg, please retry install later...${normal}" exit 2 fi else echo -e "${red}Already download ros_voice_system source code, now will exit...${normal}" exit 3 fi #git clone code over,now will auto invoke bash to compile souce code echo -e "${green} 2: Will auto config and compile ros_voice_system code ${normal}" cd ${FILE_PATH}/ros_voice_system/scripts/ chmod +x setup_config.sh . ./setup_config.sh exit 0